Sunday, September 8, 2013

October 30, 2012

          “I have chosen you to go and bear fruit that will last.  As you abide in Me, as you remain in Me, My sap of love will flow through you to nourish My gifts and graces.

          You seek union with Me.  That is the highest grace and glory.  Union will be attained when God cleanses you of all fleshly defilement, when your will becomes God’s will, when you are dead to your flesh.  This is a process whereby God makes of you ‘another Christ’ on earth.  You are to lie still in obedience as you are fashioned by heavenly hands into a masterpiece of God’s love.

          I seek ‘presence’.  As you sit before Me, empty and silent, adoring and thanking, I mold you into Myself.  As you relax into My embrace, your malleability produces a perfect image.

          Has it taken so many years to tech you to let go and let Me form you in My way?  Your humble, docile submission allows Me free access to do what I will for you for your greatest good and My glory.  I am forming a beautiful masterpiece, a stupendous work of art.  Let Me work unhindered that I may display My handiwork in the heavenlies.

          If only you understood My ways … You would leap for joy at your weakness, for that is the point of My entry into your inner being.”

Lovingly Yours,

October 26, 2012

          “The cry of the turtledove and the nest of the swallow – two images that conjure up the tenderness of God.  Only God could create the silky bird’s feathers.  They fly through the sky singing His praises.  They are so little, yet they constantly do the will of God.  What an example they are to rebellious mankind!

          Every one of My creatures was created to portray a facet of God’s love.  All of creation is a beautiful diamond, glittering with movement, changing, encircling, growing, dying – all in the circle of God’s never-changing love.

          Every bird is content to be a bird.  If only humans could be content to be what I have made them!  I have placed each soul exactly where I desire them to blossom and bring forth fruit.  Only in that sacred place will they flourish.  Yet men resist My plan, My will for their greatest beauty.  Lack of trust causes them to choose paths of their own making which lead them away from the peaceful paths I had prepared for them.

          Can you not understand that I am the infinite God, O men of earth?  If I created you from dust, cannot I sustain you?  Do you not realize that I am eternal, that I know your future and your eternal destiny?

          O, for loving and trustful children, for obedient and faithful friends – this is My glory!  Your loving smiles, your peaceful acceptance of all I bring into your lives, your docility to My inspirations, your faithfulness to duty – how lovely you are in My sight!  Little children of earth, those that know Me as Father, those that follow Me closely, I will make you giant pillars in the house of My God, for the lowly shall be exalted.

          My Father works and I work.  Let us work together to please Him.  His grace, His benevolent grace, will be your sure reward!”
Grace Bearer

October 24, 2012

          “My chosen people adore Me in spirit and in truth.  Though their bodies decay, their spirits are as youthful as a child’s.  “Man looketh on the outward appearance but God looketh on the heart.”  My little children surround My throne in obedient and loving service.  How I cherish them!  These children of Mine love Me with a pure and fervent heart.  How this consoles Me in a world that continually rejects Me!  My little ones charm My wounded heart.  They gather like little sheep, bleating out words of praise and thanksgiving.  I gather them all in My embrace.  I pour out My gifts and blessings upon them.

          They are irradiated by My presence among them.  They light up as the sun in a darkened place.  They fill My Tabernacle with a holy fragrance.  These are My chosen ones, those who have “made a covenant with Me by sacrifice,” the sacrifice of their lives for love of Me.  How I love these faithful souls!  Their fragrance pleases Me.  I shall dwell with them eternally.

          Holiness is invisible to the world.  It leaves behind a fragrant aroma, pleasing to the spirit’s senses.  It is a hidden, yet vital aura of light that surrounds and penetrates the atmosphere.  It is quiet and unobtrusive, beautiful and edifying.  It glows with an ethereal beauty, beyond human senses.

          Love is beautiful and it captivates all who come within its circle of life.  God’s love created all that exists, the heavens and the earth.  Love is God’s aura, His Essence.  God’s love is infinite.  Love is the ladder from heaven to earth.  The Holy Spirit is God’s tiara, God’s crown.  When the Holy Spirit penetrates and commingles with a heart, God’s love walks the earth in human form. 

          Be the Holy Tabernacle of Love I created you to be.  May your fragrance be diffused through all the earth.  God’s aroma will be as incense scattered to all.  What a beautiful spectacle!  You will be a grace diffuser.”

Jesus, God’s Incense of Joy