Friday, July 1, 2016

June 30, 2016

          “Your life is a journey into My Heart.  There is no other road that will give you the happiness you seek.  Life is an illusion to souls bereft of My presence.  In their seeking for earthly gratification, they bypass eternal bounty.

          My path to glory is simple, but obscure.  In obedience to Me you stay on the path of virtue, making time for intimate colloquy with Me daily.  In this hidden state, you adorn your soul with My life.  Daily you grow in grace and in the knowledge of Me and My will for you.

          The simplicity of spiritual growth is all consummated in the statement:  “Not my will, but Thine be done.”  Handing your will over to Me daily will keep you on My royal path to eternal glory.  All spirituality hinges on this eternal precept:  Hand your will over to the Blessed Trinity and leave it in His keeping.  Keep your eyes on His hands as He directs you daily according to His good pleasure.

          There are no intricate details to learn, no special skills to cultivate to learn the higher secrets of spiritual growth.  Only one thing is necessary – to do My will alone daily.

          Place yourself in My hands every morning and wait for Me to direct you.  Joyfully thank Me for My watchcare and provision for each moment of your existence.  This is faith:  Following the unseen hand that guides you.

          Only the little children enter the kingdom of heaven because they allow themselves to be taught, guided and directed by the eternal Godhead.

          “You are not your own; you are bought with a price.”  Let Me take charge of My purchased property.  Let go of yourself.  Let Me take full responsibility for all that you are.

          You can trust My guidance, for I love you with all My heart!”

Gentle Lover

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