Monday, February 6, 2017

October 22, 2015

          “Each day unfolds in a spectacle of glory awaiting the deeds of man.  How will a man live this day?  Will he recognize the Creator of all that exists and revel in His beautiful creation or will he live in his own world of unreality to what is important in life?

          Each soul has a unique path of holiness to become what God has created him to be.  How few souls realize this godly potential!  They get caught up in earth’s schemes and forget their reason for existence.  They have eyes but they do not see; ears, but they do not hear.

          What do I require of you?  I ask you to walk humbly with Me all the days of your life.  Let Me show you My purpose for creating you.  Let Me keep you on the unique path I have chosen for you.  Let Me speak to you as I spoke to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, friend to friend.  You make things complicated, men of earth.  I know you are made of dust.  I know you are very weak.  I know how susceptible you are to falling away and getting distracted from your true purpose.  I am not asking for heroism beyond your strength.  I am asking you to be an obedient child, holding your Father’s hand all the days of your life.  Be gentle and docile, easily led by My Holy Spirit.  Do not make things complicated.  Do not think much – love much, as a child loves spontaneously.

          In quietness, solitude and moments lingering in My presence, you will come to understand what I desire from you.  I have come to set you free from your worries, fears, and concerns.  Rely on Me for everything.  I long to be everything to you.

          I am here with you though you do not feel My physical presence.  That is faith – knowing I’m with you without visible evidence.  “The just shall live by faith.”  How this pleases Me!  Allow Me to live in you today.  What a beautiful day we will share together!”

Jesus, Lover of Souls

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