Friday, February 15, 2013

June 23, 2012

          “The distractions of the world cannot stop a soul in love with God.  They leap and bound over every high or low hill to reach the Beloved.  Love has no limits, no boundaries to its intentions.  It searches for God everywhere and it finds Him waiting with arms outstretched.  God is love and those who find God find everlasting love, a source of life and light, great peace and contentment.  They need search no more once they have run into the arms of God.  All of life’s journeying culminates in running into God’s fatherly embrace.

          Come to Me children, and I will teach you how to find God.  Look for Him everywhere, for He is all that exists.  You can find God staring back at you in everyone and everything, for He is the Essence of all creation.  Every created thing is a particle of God’s Being.

          To hear God, you must move very silently into His presence.  Holiness demands respect and reverence.  Angels tremble before the presence of God.  The angels are mystified at our lack of respect for God.  They are also overjoyed when they see a child of God running into the throne room seeking God’s help and protection.  God overlooks our human frailties in regard to respect for His holiness, but those that know Him intimately bow low before Him, “as a handmaid looks to the hands of her mistress.”  Those that are babies in spiritual growth barge in where angels fear to tread.  Yet God understands.  He makes a way for all souls to come to Him.

          This God whom you seek desires that pure souls wait in His presence lovingly, not seeking recognition so much as being a loving spirit attendant to His voice.  This soul has grown in holiness.  He no longer cries like a baby for his own needs to be met.  He has become an adult, able to intimately converse with God friend to friend, as Moses did.

          The joy of knowing God brings you into the company of the angels and saints.  You fit in, as it were, with the household of God.  What a joy to be in company with the souls of the just made perfect in Christ!”
Jesus, God’s Joy

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