Thursday, April 23, 2015

April 23, 2015

          “Only one thing is needful in your life and that is your open heart to obey, love, and serve Me.  If I have created you, it should be your duty to requite My generosity by your obedience to the designs I have for your existence. 

          Souls run through life thinking that all happens by chance.  The sun, the rain the crops that bring forth food from dirt – humanity believes these are accidental causes, always existing, with no thought for how they came to be.  Man takes absolutely everything for granted! 

          If I did not keep the globe in a revolving pattern, your world would collapse in one moment.  If the atmosphere of your earth was altered in any way, all mankind would die immediately.  If the rain stayed in the clouds, you would starve.  Does man ever stop to wonder how these things keep working in such an excellent way? 

          How futile the thoughts of men!  There is no eye for the big picture.  He stays embedded in the petty things of life living in the cage of his restricted mindset.  How foolish!  Even a child has the sense to know that a Creator lovingly fashioned the earth.  A child sees the blade of grass, the bubble in the pond, the insect on a leaf.  The adults in this generation see cars and phones and televisions and bank statements.  They have lost their vision for the important things in the world. 

          Prestige, popularity, beauty, fame – enrapturing allurements to deaden the soul to heaven’s beauty on earth.  Science, religions cropping up daily, hedonism, intellectualism, psychology, entertainment – false images of the reality of God in the world. 

          Listen to the children call you back to the beauty of the earth.  Get out of your cramped houses, your bleak buildings, your reclusive entertainments.  Run out into nature.  Raise your eyes to the heavens and ask God to restore your vision for what really matters – the eternal reality of God.

          The angels play among the landscapes of your earth.  Nature is My kingdom on earth to them.  Open your doors to the light of nature, My children.  Get out of your closed houses where you sit gazing at an electronic propaganda box.  Go outside to see if you can see My angels outside your door.  Only eyes that have acquired the vision of a child can see them.

          Trust Me; they are there.”

Angel Lover

April 21, 2015

          “Moments of great beauty come in life to lift the heart to the eternal homeland.  Heaven is a forever land of beauty, goodness, joy, and bliss.  All those counted worthy to live there eternally are the blessed children of a holy God.    

          From eternity you have been chosen to inherit this destiny.  There was never a time that I did not know your name or see your face.  You have been in My heart forever.  Could there be anything more glorious? 

          You are My eternal thought, coming forth from My Being.  That is why I tell you that we are one, for you have been with Me before you were ever created.  How could you exist if I had not created you?

          Man cannot understand My infinite capacity.  I cannot be encompassed for I AM.  I made Myself one of you to break the barrier of our division.  I limited Myself to an earthly body to communicate Myself to you more fully.  If only souls would understand My loving condescension, beyond your mind’s grasp!  I ask you to be obedient only to open your soul to holiness, for without holiness no man can see God.  I am not a God of rules and regulations.  I am a God of holy love, seeking to transform My broken children into saints forever beholding My omnipotent glory.

          All you that will try to understand My heart will be blessed with eyes to see.  The rewards of a holy and loving life are endless and beautiful.

          O children, discipline yourselves to seek eternal treasures.  You will be blessed beyond your dreams or imaginings.  Use this short life to seek My face.  I will reveal Myself to you and you will die in the arms of your great Friend.  Your death will be beautiful, without fear, for I will hold you in My arms and you will wake up in a world of stunning beauty.

          Then you will truly say:  “It was worth it to follow Jesus.”

Lover of Your Soul

March 19, 2015

          “To come to the fountain of all wisdom with an eager spirit is the greatest grace from your God.  God is drawing you to Himself with His gentle cords of love.  So few respond to His embraces and caresses.

          To love God with all of your heart is His delight.  He desires to have loving children surrounding His glorious throne.  His peaceful creation is a glorious foretaste of the glory of heaven.  All reign there in peace and contentment, basking in the love of God.

          Man races through time, seeking adventures.  The greatest adventure in a lifetime is to plumb the depths of God.  To sit alone with God, silently pondering His creativity and merciful artistic splendors is to magnify His attributes, to render homage to the Creator of all that exists.  To walk alone with God in loving communion is the greatest of all joys on earth.

          God desires to walk in the garden of each soul He has so lovingly created.  His designs are all of love, to craft a magnificent masterpiece studded in holy splendor.  Man was made to walk with God.  In this lies all his happiness.

          Man needs a loving Father to guide his path on earth.  He needs a Consoler, a Friend, a Creator to answer his questions.  Why does man forsake his own mercy?  Why does he hide from God like Adam in the first garden?  Man was made for fellowship with his Creator.  Without this connection, he is lost.  His happiness lies in his heart of obedient love and commitment.

          If only man understood the beautiful plans in God’s heart!”

Son of the God of Love

March 15, 2015

          “Time is My gift to you.  It is the money you use to buy eternal life with Me.  How you spend your time determines your eternal destiny.

          If you spend your time on earth with Me, I will make you a saint fit for heaven.  If you spend your time on earth chasing earthly dreams that fade away, you will miss a most beautiful eternal future in glory.

          Time runs quickly on earth.  A lifetime is given as a gift at birth by God and then it seems that it is over before it has begun.  It is in those moments from birth to death that you determine your destiny.

          It is a matter of choice and self-discipline.  You choose to serve God and then you fight yourself to carry it out.  The flesh will desire the earthly realities that you can see with your eyes, but the spirit will know that these allurements are a mirage promising happiness.

          To do the right thing, like attending church, will appear boring to the flesh, yet the spirit sees the graces flowing from time in God’s presence with God’s people.  The flesh will desire fame and glory, popularity and praise, but the spirit knows that holiness grows in withdrawal, hiddenness and silence.  This will all be a battle during this precious commodity of time.  Which will you choose?  How will you spend your time on earth – getting to know God or pleasing yourself?

          There is no other question more important than this:  If you claim to love Me, why do you not spend time with Me?  My complaint is valid.  If I am ignored, I cannot believe that you love Me.”

Waiting for Your Time

March 15, 2015

          “Time is My gift to you.  It is the money you use to buy eternal life with Me.  How you spend your time determines your eternal destiny.

          If you spend your time on earth with Me, I will make you a saint fit for heaven.  If you spend your time on earth chasing earthly dreams that fade away, you will miss a most beautiful eternal future in glory.

          Time runs quickly on earth.  A lifetime is given as a gift at birth by God and then it seems that it is over before it has begun.  It is in those moments from birth to death that you determine your destiny.

          It is a matter of choice and self-discipline.  You choose to serve God and then you fight yourself to carry it out.  The flesh will desire the earthly realities that you can see with your eyes, but the spirit will know that these allurements are a mirage promising happiness.

          To do the right thing, like attending church, will appear boring to the flesh, yet the spirit sees the graces flowing from time in God’s presence with God’s people.  The flesh will desire fame and glory, popularity and praise, but the spirit knows that holiness grows in withdrawal, hiddenness and silence.  This will all be a battle during this precious commodity of time.  Which will you choose?  How will you spend your time on earth – getting to know God or pleasing yourself?

          There is no other question more important than this:  If you claim to love Me, why do you not spend time with Me?  My complaint is valid.  If I am ignored, I cannot believe that you love Me.”

Waiting for Your Time

Friday, April 17, 2015

April 16, 2015

          “The pen in the hand of one of My little ones becomes a mighty sword to divide the souls of goodwill and the insincere hearts.  I use words to strike the soul with My truths.  I use the hands of the little ones to rebuke the great and mighty on earth.  I am a God of the little things on earth. 
         Men have completely misunderstood My actions upon earth.  The heart of man is very proud.  He seeks high and mighty things to exalt his personage.  I came in profound humility to tear down these Babel towers that men build for themselves.

          Love and humility walk together in joy and peace.  A proud man cannot love.  He does not even love himself, for he rejects the benefits offered to his soul.  A proud man is hateful, though he doesn’t realize it.  His hatred drives him to injure himself in all earthly relationships.  People flee from proud souls.  They truly are odious in the sight of men.

          Pride manifests itself in opinions, grasping, stubbornness, control, rigidness, selfishness and haughtiness.  It seeks its own above all else.  Pride was the downfall of Lucifer, which ultimately led to Adam’s fall from grace. 
          I resist the proud but give grace to the humble.  Those you least expect in life tend to be My favorite ones – the unknown, hidden souls that do not like to attract attention to themselves.  These are the souls of children, easily molded and shaped according to My plans for them.  They are content where I have placed them.  They seek no earthly glory, for they are seeking a heavenly city.

          Things are not what they seem, My children.  Do not ignore the little happenings in your life, all choreographed by My eternal design.  Remember; I am a God of the little things on your earth.  Seek to be humble; seek to be pure; seek to be obedient where I have placed you; seek to be patient in all the little occurrences in your daily life.  I abide in every moment of your day, not just in the big and memorable events.

          I am not a flashy God, for I am humility.  Seek Me in the valleys where I lay hidden, ready to be discovered.”

Humble Violet

April 17, 2015

          “The hours race toward eternity and mankind is racing right along with time.  Life has become a race of souls running to the next activity.  You are called in every direction to place emphasis on earthly pursuits.  How the spiritual life suffers and withers away!  The spirit receives no attention.  It is like a starved child waiting to be fed.  The body becomes fuller and fatter while the spirit withers away, dehydrated and empty.

          The souls of today have made their bodies their gods.  Everything hinges on how the outward body displays itself.  Billions of dollars are spent on bodily accessories and improvement devices.  Sadly, the body is decaying daily and someday will be rotting in a grave on earth.  All of this effort being put into this earthly shell has no lasting rewards.  It is temporary and fleeting.  Only what is sown to the spirit is eternal.

          Spiritual sowing is an ancient art in this world given over to the senses.  Quietness, meditation, simplicity, musing on life’s meaning – this is gone from the earth.  More noise, more pleasure, more recreation, more amusement … What’s next for me to enjoy during these few years given to me on earth?  Eternity is a word never spoken.  It is muffled by earth’s roarings.

          This truly is a world of souls dancing and eating on the Titanic.  The iceberg awaits to tear a hole in the ship.  There will be no remedy.  Only a few souls will enter the lifeboats, those alert and watching.  What a disaster of immense proportions!

          The warnings have been given.  Who will be wise and prudent in this age of hedonism?  Judgment Day is coming.  You cannot say that you were never warned.  My Heart is grieved, for many will not respond to My warnings.  What a sad destiny awaits those who have closed their ears to My Spirit reaching out to them.  What a sad day awaits!

Grieved for Souls