Friday, April 17, 2015

April 16, 2015

          “The pen in the hand of one of My little ones becomes a mighty sword to divide the souls of goodwill and the insincere hearts.  I use words to strike the soul with My truths.  I use the hands of the little ones to rebuke the great and mighty on earth.  I am a God of the little things on earth. 
         Men have completely misunderstood My actions upon earth.  The heart of man is very proud.  He seeks high and mighty things to exalt his personage.  I came in profound humility to tear down these Babel towers that men build for themselves.

          Love and humility walk together in joy and peace.  A proud man cannot love.  He does not even love himself, for he rejects the benefits offered to his soul.  A proud man is hateful, though he doesn’t realize it.  His hatred drives him to injure himself in all earthly relationships.  People flee from proud souls.  They truly are odious in the sight of men.

          Pride manifests itself in opinions, grasping, stubbornness, control, rigidness, selfishness and haughtiness.  It seeks its own above all else.  Pride was the downfall of Lucifer, which ultimately led to Adam’s fall from grace. 
          I resist the proud but give grace to the humble.  Those you least expect in life tend to be My favorite ones – the unknown, hidden souls that do not like to attract attention to themselves.  These are the souls of children, easily molded and shaped according to My plans for them.  They are content where I have placed them.  They seek no earthly glory, for they are seeking a heavenly city.

          Things are not what they seem, My children.  Do not ignore the little happenings in your life, all choreographed by My eternal design.  Remember; I am a God of the little things on your earth.  Seek to be humble; seek to be pure; seek to be obedient where I have placed you; seek to be patient in all the little occurrences in your daily life.  I abide in every moment of your day, not just in the big and memorable events.

          I am not a flashy God, for I am humility.  Seek Me in the valleys where I lay hidden, ready to be discovered.”

Humble Violet

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