Tuesday, March 4, 2014

December 17, 2012

“To My most loving friends on earth,

          I, Jesus, speaking from heaven to souls open to My call, ask you humbly to turn away from the world to seek My face alone.  I ask you to become true disciples of My heart by renouncing the pleasures and delights of the world by embracing a new lifestyle, a retreat into your inner selves.  There you will find Me waiting for you.

          There is not much time left to serve Me.  Life quickly dissolves before your very eyes.  There will come a day when you will no longer have one more second to live.  No matter how hard you try to hold on to time, it will escape your grasp.  No man, however rich or powerful, can hold his life in his hands.  I am the author of all life and when I decide to take away your breath, you will be lifeless on earth.  Your soul will then be judged by how you redeemed your earthly hours.  Did you live in faith and goodwill?  Did you squander your minutes with trivial pursuits?  Did you seek My face early in the morning or did you rush into the world on your own terms?

          I have redeemed a people of obedient love, those that have made a covenant with Me by sacrifice.  I have stated earnestly, “Be ye therefore perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.”  My Father and yours has claim on all that you are.  You cannot run from His penetrating gaze.  He has created you to exist for the praise of His glory.  You are not of the world.  You are set apart to do His will.

          “Come out from among them and be ye separate … touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you.”  These words of clarity will separate the just from the unjust.  If you seek the world, the world is your God.  If you seek My Father’s will, He is truly your God and Father.

          Souls, be wise.  The age is coming to an end.  I have exhorted, warned, preached, and spoken words too many to count to call you to holiness.  My
words continue to fall on deaf ears and hardened souls.  This grief in My heart daily wounds Me, for I came to bring life and this gift is refused day after day.

          Do not be discouraged, My faithful ones.  Your patient endurance shall be rewarded.  Keep crying out in the desert, like My servant John the Baptist.  He was that one crying out, “Repent … prepare ye the way of the Lord.”  He was brutally murdered for his faith.  His preaching of truth made him a martyr.  The price of the Gospel is not cheap.  It will demand your very soul.”

Serious About Your Salvation

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