Wednesday, March 4, 2015

January 23, 2015

          “I hear the lamentations of this suffering humanity before Me on earth.  My heart is moved within Me.  I love every soul on earth so deeply and I long to help them to find the happiness they seek.  I am their joy, yet they do not know Me.  Many know a religious system, but they do not know My heart.  Many claim to serve Me, but they do not know My desires,  Many try to help Me, but they do not know what I need because they do not understand Me.

          Man sees oppression and restriction in My commandments, but it is not so.  My commandments bring freedom, peace, and happiness, for man was made for holiness and right living.  This earth is ordered by certain principles which cause it to flourish and grow.  Man was made in the same way.  Only in following the guidelines and commands I have ordered will he prosper and flower in holy beauty.

          I am here for you, O men of earth.  Come to Me to find the happiness you seek.  I will give you heavenly joy in My presence.

          I am all things to all men.”

Author of Everything That Exists

1 comment:

  1. I join you in prayer I am here for you, O men of earth. Come to Me to find the happiness you seek. I will give you heavenly joy in My presence.

    I am all things to all men.”

    Helen xx
