Tuesday, March 13, 2018

March 15, 2016

          “Life is like a rocky road that traverses many hills and valleys.  At times the road seems dark and treacherous.  At other times the sun shines in glory and everything appears majestic and beautiful.  This is life – a constant state of flux and change.  These periods bring growth changes.  They teach you faith, patience, and endurance.  If all was well continually, you would become soft and weak.  Nature knows that the hard winds harden the oak tree’s bark to help it withstand the elements.

          The more you grow in spiritual maturity, the more docile you will be to all the changes in your life.  You will learn to say, “It is the Lord” in every situation you encounter.  You will remain at peace regardless of the circumstances.  Your surroundings will not matter to you because your eyes will be fixed on the heavens, your true home.

          I am eternal and I change not.  The humans I have created are in a constant state of change.  This is the maturing process I have ordained for them to make them fit for the glorious celestial fatherland where change does not exist.  The more you become unaffected by the world, the more heavenly oriented you become.  This is what I am doing on earth … I am creating souls fit for the eternality of heaven where they will be ruling and reigning with Me forever.

          Nothing in this world matters but your relationship with Me.  Never let your priorities slip away by the pressures of life.  Keep the focus – your eyes staring into My eyes.  Stay on the path I have chosen for you, no matter how tedious or mundane.  This is My will for you and all is working together for your good according to My plan.

          “This is the will of God, your sanctification.”  Absolutely everything that happens in your life is directed to this end. 

          Be sanctified by your docility to My will.”

Jesus, Sanctifier

March 8, 2016

          “Just as the bird wakes up singing, so I long for My joy to well up within you as a bird song in the morning hours.

          I look upon a world captivated by sin and evil tendencies in such sadness.  What is My joy when My eyes rest upon a child of purity singing My praises in the early morning hours!  I am captivated by such faithful love.  Even though you have never seen Me with your eyes, you love Me, serve Me, and listen for My voice.  These are My faithful friends who have made a covenant by sacrifice.  Their eyes behold their homeland afar off, and they patiently endure this life with their eyes on eternity. 

          The purity of God is abused and squelched in this evil generation.  God’s love is not understood or valued.  He waits longingly for the loving overtures of His obedient and faithful children, those that are thankful and cognizant that all comes from His kind hand.

          How faithful is God!  His mercy is everlasting!  His love is eternal!  His face is peaceful beauty!  His countenance is glorious!

          How I love My Father!”


Loving Son

March 7, 2016

          “We grow closer and closer every day as you find the time to allow Me to speak to your heart.  What a joy it is for Me to be welcomed into a heart that makes time for Me in this busy world.

          This present generation is enmeshed in the world of electronics.  The rush of information overwhelms the soul.  There seems to be no time for God.  Only the souls that carve out that special time with Me will be able to hear My voice in this noisy world.  Yes, it is an effort and a discipline, but the rewards are eternal, even in this life.

          Every moment on earth spent in awareness of My presence causes your spirit to grow and blossom.  The dew of My Hoy Spirit feeds the hunger in your soul.  I distribute My gifts of peace, joy, contentment, wisdom, and understanding.  Everything starts to make sense in this chaotic world.

          Faith is lacking in these days of distress.  So much information steals peace from the soul.  Only in the quiet solitude of My presence can your peace and joy be restored.  If you cannot find time for Me yet desire this, ask Me to help you.  I will show you the way to find Me in the silence.  All I desire is a willing heart, an open spirit, and a loving welcome.  I will come to you speedily, My arms filled with My gifts.

          My little hidden children that spend time in My presence bring such joy to My heart in this age of open rebellion against My rule over mankind.  This world is Mine.  I choose to share My gifts with man.  I grant gifts to saint and sinner alike, for I am goodness, yet one day, the saints and sinners will be separated, and My loving hidden ones will ascend with Me to sit on thrones of glory at My side eternally.

          Don’t you think it worthwhile to make time in your schedule for a few words with Me when I offer you such a wondrous gift eternally?  Sit quietly alone with Me and be surprised at what I will do in your life.”

Jesus, Waiter and Watcher

February 26, 2016

          “The excellence of a holy life is hidden to the world but known in the spirit world.  The angels look upon My saints with lovely joy.  The mystery of the Bride of Christ is an astonishment to the heavenly hierarchies.  How could the dust be raised to God’s throne in heaven?  Yet souls in love with Jesus are truly “seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.”

          O dust men, if only you knew your dignity!  You have been raised up as sons of God, elected to rule and reign with Him eternally.”

February 14, 2016

          “Each step you take brings you nearer to your eternal home in glory with Me.  No act of yours is wasted in God’s economy.  He watches your footsteps and knows your intentions.  It is not the task, but the intention of the heart that gains merit for eternal rewards.

          The eternal reward is to be close to the throne of the Eternal God, seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, ruling and reigning with Him forever and ever.  Your menial tasks bring great rewards.  Do not look at anything on earth as mundane.  Everything has a gem within it, a glorious jewel to be placed in your hope chest in heaven.  At life’s end, your hopes will be realized, and your chest will be opened to reveal the beautiful gems, the glorious diamonds, the rubies, the emeralds – all the glory given to these humble works done with righteous intentions … the desire to please God.

          Do not become discouraged, My children, when you feel alone in a world given over to pleasure and unrighteousness.  God sees your heart wearied down with despair over sin’s captivity in the heart of souls.  Your life is short compared to eternity.  The world’s stage is huge when compared with your part to play.  I am the great Conductor of this drama and the world’s burden is upon Me.  I ask you to be a little child, to trust Me, to rest in My works, to be My darling little one, intent on loving and pleasing Me, regardless of those around you.

          My special souls are lone eagles, many times seemingly without support, but this is as it should be.  It toughens you, it strengthens you, it helps you to grow into a mature adult, filled with all the fullness of your Christ, who had very little human support on earth.

          Remember, to follow the footsteps of Christ is a road to Calvary.  There is suffering, persecution, loneliness and rejection from the world, for they know not God, and you are peculiar to them.  They look for a breach in your armor to attack you.  But remember that I am with you always and I will be with you forever in glory, praising you for your faithfulness to Me during your sojourn on earth.

          Be not afraid, My little children, for it is My pleasure to give you the kingdom of God forever.”

Leader of the Children

February 4, 2016

          “It is in your faithfulness to your daily duties that sanctity is formed and refined.  Days may seem drab and mundane.  Routines seem monotonous, yet I am always watching you, helping you, and delivering grace to your soul, even when your senses feel nothing.

          Every day the sun rises and sets punctually.  This miracle of grace is daily taken for granted.  If I decided to withdraw the sun, how the earth would be changed.  It is the same with your soul.  I am the great Sun that shines on your being keeping you in existence.  If I took away your breath, you would turn into the dust on the ground.  Therefore, though things seem drab and dull, the miracle of life and growth is constantly working within you, far beyond the senses.

          Do not trust what you see, hear, or feel.  Trust your faith that believes that all I have revealed to you is true.  Your senses will deceive you for they are not always correct in their assessment of truth.  Circumstances and the outward senses can harden a soul when faith’s light is obliterated.  Cynicism, bitterness, boredom, restlessness, and depression can easily enter a soul that relies on the outward senses for direction.  The light of faith must be continually fanned to keep it blazing brightly.  Only faith will keep you on the right path to eternal glory.

          What is faith?  It is believing that all I have said is true, and living out that belief.  Knowledge is not faith.  The belief that springs into action is the true measuring stick that is named faith.

          “Without faith it is impossible to please God, for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him.”

          “When I return, will I find faith on the earth?”  Or will I find My children living according to the dictates of a world following their feelings?”

Watchtower Keeping the Children Safe

January 29, 2016

          “Who understands the wounds of a God?  Who can fathom the love of a God humiliating Himself, condescending to a life on earth, in order to save man from his death sentence?  Man, in his pride, has forgotten the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.  This supreme act of love is not venerated or even remembered.  It is a historic fact, the foundation of Christianity, but so little valued or remembered.

          The love of Jesus is so great for mankind that He subjected Himself to unbearable tortures.  A greater gift He could not have given to man, yet man despises this gift by wearing necklaces of the crucifixion while living in decadent sinfulness.  Man places a crucifix on the wall while standing next to it speaking blasphemy and cursing.  Even in the churches, the crucifix is a wall ornament, something commonplace and forgotten.  How little I am venerated, understood and thanked for My great sacrifice of love!  How this hurts My heart!

          The souls that love Me remember My pain.  They walk the way of the Cross with Me, bearing My burden for the world’s salvation.  They strive for purity so as to be able to abide in My presence.  They spend valuable time in My presence, loving, thanking, and adoring Me.  They understand My great sacrifice of love and seek to honor My memory by imitating My life on earth.

          When I come back to earth, will I find any faithful souls?  So many of My chosen ones have veered from the path of holiness, distracted by the world.  The light of Christ is dimming on earth.  Where are the blazing flames of love igniting the earth’s atmosphere with My presence?  What are My saints in life doing to change earth’s atmosphere from darkness to light?

          I call you to account, My lukewarm children.  Repent and turn again to My holy standard of living.  You that have been given much, much will be required of you.”


Just Judge

January 28, 2016

          “There is true heavenly joy when you stop to rest in God’s love.  So few souls know how to enter My rest.  You must come away from the world.  You must quietly sit before Me to seek My quiet presence.  The world has souls in its grip.  They cannot flee from the power of the earth around them, yet their spirits were created for another realm, the quiet, invisible realm of spirit where God resides in silent peace and rest.

          Many souls flee from the world by entering convents.  They see no other way to run from the distractions surrounding and choking them in the world and its environments.  They have chosen the spirit over the flesh.  They have realized that there must be a real breaking from the bondage of the flesh and its desires.  They seek “the best part”, to live alone with God alone, adoring Him in spirit and in truth.

          It takes great courage to make this break from the world, but it is an entrance into the peaceful pastures of peace, love, and joy, a bliss unknowable by earth’s inhabitants.  Only the courageous enter these realms of God’s abode, the spiritual realms beyond earthly thought.

          You must lose your life on this earth to find your eternal life.  It seems to be a vague, obscure door beyond which you cannot see what awaits you, but if you dare to cross this threshold, you will find God lovingly awaiting you.  He stands beyond the door, waiting to see who will be brave enough to despise the earth and all fleshly delights in order to buy the pearl of great price, oneness with his Creator.

          So few souls enter this heavenly life.”

January 25, 2016

          “Do you think there are many souls loving Me in these early morning hours?  Very few start their day in My presence.  How much they miss out on!  They hurry to and fro, rushing to get things done which have no eternal value whatsoever.  All will turn to dust, even their own bodies.  Yet they continue to run ahead, pursuing false realities and dreams of happiness.

          I alone am the source of true happiness, that deep peace and joy in the heart.  Earthly joys are fleeting, passing away like the morning dew.  I am the eternal fountain of living waters, just waiting for the sons of men to discover My life-giving and refreshing water.  They will never thirst again for the temporal gains of earth once they have tasted My eternal joys.

          Gifts, graces, and blessings rain down upon those who seek Me first in the morning.  I transform, renew, and refresh them as they turn their faces to Me as a flower turns to the sun for growth and sustenance.

          Come away with Me, My beloved ones, those who love Me more than the world.  I will teach you many things.  I will show you how short this life is, and I will teach you eternal priorities.

          Leave all to possess all.  Give Me everything in your life and I will return it to you blessed a hundredfold.  I only seek your highest good.”


Earth Dweller in Men

Thursday, March 8, 2018

December 31, 2015

          “Graces and blessings fall like raindrops upon the heads of the children that seek Me daily.  These little souls quiet themselves to listen to My voice in the silence, away from the noise and distractions of life.

          The world is attractive to the eyes and the ears.  The pride of life is alluring and beautiful to the senses.  My wise children turn away from what is presented to their senses to seek the God of silence and obscurity in the land of faith.  The door to heaven is called faith.  Faith can hardly be defined, for it is a gift from God.  All God’s gifts are beyond definition in their grandeur.

          Like the eye that can take in all things at once, faith encompasses every virtue.  Faith is the arrow pointing to heaven as the goal.  Faith is to believe in what you cannot see.  Faith sees beyond earth’s limitations.  It peers into God’s infinity.

          Faith is your gesture of love and trust, your belief in all I have told you.  Faith believes to the point of death, blindly following Christ into the shadowlands.

          Faith grows in proportion to your time in My presence, for to know Me is to love Me.  To love Me is to trust Me and to have faith in Me.

          The more time you spend with Me, the more certain your faith, the more pure your countenance, the more peaceful your spirit and the more obedient you become.  You obey because you love.  Love makes obedience a beautiful gift in response to so many gifts, the first being the honorable gift of life.

          Faith tells you that I love you, that I gave My life for your love, that I am waiting for you in heaven.  Faith is the gold coin that opens the door to My Heart.”


Faith Builder

December 16, 2015

          “My Heart is alive and beating in this world that has forgotten Me.  The pulsating rhythms of the earth are the beating of My Heart, crying over man in his weakness.  He has forsaken mercy and has chosen a tortuous path of self-indulgence and egocentricity over Love’s calls and pleadings.  My Heart has truly been broken by mankind’s rejection.  Who understands this Heart of Mine, so tender and pure, so gentle and forgiving?  I am the Forgotten One, the forgotten Creator of all that exists.  I created man for a loving relationship, but he has run away from Me and he has rejected My overtures.

          Yet I cry out, I continuously plead with him, begging him to return to My loving Heart.  He has run into the forest of jackals and demons, allured by the glittering sights and sounds of worldly enticements.  He is led further and further into the dense forest.  He cannot find his way out of the dense darkness.

          My light bearers travel deep into the forest holding candles of hope high, leading the way out of the darkness, but they are shunned and ridiculed, made fun of and mocked.  Their gentle hearts unite with My sorrow for mankind.

          My saints crisscross each other through the darkness, holding their lamps high as they greet each other in Love’s relief.  They are the soldiers of light piercing the dark forests of sin, rescuing the perishing.

          The forest is ready to be folded up, nearing the completion of the ages.  Those that have chosen the dark abyss will remain within its confines.  “Those that turn many to righteousness shall shine as the stars forever and ever.”

          The light of heaven is dawning, My people.  Be faithful to the course I have placed before you.  Keep your focus on the eternal, the home I have prepared for you, as I await you in glory.

          Time is short.  “Redeem the time, for the days are evil …”


God’s Warning to Wandering Souls

November 20, 2015

          “Spiritual strides quicken in response to love.  The more you love, the quicker will you grow in holiness.  Works are priceless, theology is a basic need, spiritual aspirations and desires are fruitful, yet without love, the fire has no wood to kindle.  Give me a soul with love in the heart and I will show you a true saint.  Maybe this soul cannot read or write.  Maybe this soul has no doctrinal aptitude.  Maybe this soul is unlearned and unchurched.  If there is love, there is God.  All souls have not been given the graces of doctrinal teaching.  Maybe they have never picked up a spiritual book.  How can they attain to sanctity?  By love alone.  God is love and he that abides in love abides in God.

          “By their fruits you shall know them.”  “The fruit of the Spirit is love” foremost.  A man may be learned in every area of spiritual formation, but if God’s loving fruitfulness is lacking in his life, all that learning is straw to be burned.

          I see that African woman living in a mud hut.  She has never picked up a book or listened to spiritual teaching, yet her heart is on fire with love for her Creator.  She is a saint.

          Many learned men have a head full of knowledge, yet they have not truly met the Giver of this knowledge, the God of burning love.  They have good intentions, but they have mistaken the firewood for the fire.

          The souls that are in love with Me radiate My atmosphere of loving peace.  They do not judge; they love.  They let Me do the judging.  Their eyes are so blinded by love that it is nearly impossible for them to judge another.  They love people into doing right.  Souls respond to this unconditional love.  They follow this atmosphere of love straight into My Father’s arms.  Every soul craves love and when they find it, they run eagerly to embrace it.

          Permeate your atmosphere with My love.  My radiance through you will draw souls to My Father’s Heart of love.

Jesus, Greatest Lover

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

October 26, 2015

          “Are you ready to let go of all that you think that you are to let Me come into your life in My way?  So many souls seek Me according to their plans.  They have preconceived ideas about how I will intervene in all that happens to them.  They play out their own little drama and attribute it to My workings.  Man is afraid to let go, to relax into My arms in trustful rest.

          I wait for souls to get to the place of abandonment before I can freely work on them unhindered.  How could a potter shape a vessel unless it was without motion?  Even so, My children come to Me for help but when I respond, they jump out of My hands to try to figure things out in their own way.  I am not left free to help them … and so I wait for the opportune moment of complete and total abandonment to My will.

          Abandon yourselves completely to Me, My children, and allow Me to hep you.  Let go of all your preconceived ideas and agendas.  Allow Me to show you a new way to expand your limited horizons.

          You cannot do it on your own, children.  You need My help and I am so willing to help you.

          Become the dependent child I desire you to be.  Let Me help you.  Calm down; stop your running; sit quietly, listening for My words of instruction.  I know the answer to every question and every problem you have.  Let Me help you through life.  I am so willing!”

Love, Jesus,

Your Helper in Life