Tuesday, June 24, 2014

April 26, 2013

          “To open heaven with your words is God’s gift to man.  When you speak to God, your Father and My Father, He listens so attentively.  He stoops so lovingly toward your littleness to respond to your slightest wish.  God is the eternal parent to His children, leading, guiding, and providing for each child as though he were an only child.  The more humble and weak you are, the closer He draws you to Himself.

          God is big and you are little.  He recognizes your frailty and overlooks your human weaknesses.  He wants you to rely on His strength.  He will give you the power to become pure and holy.  You are lovely in His sight, though you see yourself as stained and broken.  You are cherished and treasured beyond your deepest powers of thinking.  As you honestly and sincerely pour your heart out to your listening Father, He places you on His lap and caresses you so lovingly.  “I long to help you,” He speaks to your heart so gently.

          Never be afraid of your Father.  He is always there to help you.  I accomplished My greatest work, the Passion of the Cross, because I understood My Father’s heart of love for His children.  I restored His children so that they might once again enter His presence.  I brought them home again to My Dad. 

          O children, the human family is a manifestation of God’s family.  Parents will die for their children.  God died for His children.  Could you run away in fear from a Father who so loves you as to die for you?  No, you could not.  Do not run away from God.  He died so that you might run into His arms of love to be safe and free.

          Come to your heavenly Dad and sit on His lap of love.  It is not hard.  It is child’s play, an intuitive response to Dad’s love.”

Your Elder Brother

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