October 22, 2010
“God’s gentleness trains you to be kind, humble, and sweet. God is love and love is a beautiful kindness and grace. God’s fragrance beautifies the atmosphere. He pours forth His graces as lovely raindrops, glistening dewdrops of beauteous splendor and luminosity. This living water from heaven transforms souls of dust into the image of Christ, the anointed Son.
These spectacles of God’s grandeur beautify every place they enter. They bring the light of heaven, the fragrance of peace, the joy of glory, the wonder of immortality, and the breathtaking hope of future transcendence. They bring heaven to earth. They bring life to a dying world. They bring fresh air to a decaying planet. My pure and innocent children mingle on the playground of earth, diffusing sweetness and mirth. They lovingly sustain smiles of goodness and generosity. They endure during hard times and are an example of fidelity and loyalty in the midst of a blaspheming world.
My children of hopefulness delight My heart. They are My treasure on earth, My jewels of bright splendor, always eager to do My will. If only they knew their impact on countless souls … they would rejoice far more than they are rejoicing now. As I breathe My fresh heavenly air into their spirits daily, I renew and invigorate them to daily draw closer to My standard of holiness, which is love from a pure heart. If they allow Me to permeate every area of their lives, they become a living and burning flame of ardent love, rising to heaven as an offering of purified praise.
I am forming Christ-sons and daughters throughout the earth. These Christs are calling My wayward children out of darkness into the marvelous light of My kingdom. They are royalty, sons and daughter of the great king of glory.
Walk in your dignity, My children of the light. Let My light shine through you to enlighten this darkened world. Be as clear as crystal, purified of sin, that My pure Son may be formed in you.
This is the way of heaven – transparent light revealing the purity and holiness of God the Almighty. Bring heaven to earth, My children. This world needs pure souls to magnify My glorious mercy.”
God, Pure Love
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