Thursday, September 18, 2014

February 8, 2014

          “I am teaching you the glorious secrets of living within My holy will.  This truth transcends all thoughts, for to live in My will is to live in Me.  To abide in Me is to become one with Me.  In My will are all feasts of delights, in heaven and on earth.  In My will is love, joy, peace, communion and union of hearts. 

          Many of My children follow Me, yet they still hold tightly to their own wills, which overrules My will.  They love Me, but not enough to die to themselves, to their passions, desires and plans.  They pray to Me to help them to live in My will, but they do not take this teaching seriously enough.

          To give your will to another is a hard thing.  There must be trust – deep trust that everywhere you are led is My will for you.  It requires a willingness to die to your ambitions and goals, whatever they may be.  Some of these goals may be spiritual goals, but many of you have set your own spiritual agendas.

          Some souls desire to evangelize when My will requires them to pray in silence.  Some souls want to live in quietude, yet My will is that they be active in the world.  Your personal inclinations do not determine My will in your life.  You must be willing to say “Yes, Lord” to every circumstance I permit in your life.  Many times it will be a frustrated ‘Yes’, but this is where trust comes in.  Did you really mean it when you said, “Thy will, not mine, be done?”

          I can assure you that My will brings you peace, regardless of the tempest and storms.  You will know you are following Me even though every faculty of your body resists.  My Holy Spirit will give you the power to discern My leading.  You must be quieted and be in a state of listening for His directives.  He will lead you directly into My heart.

          The will of God – the crux of all spirituality.  Theologians speak of doctrines and dogmas which are all the living out of My divine will.  Obedience to My will will raise you to the summits of the mountains where I dwell in holiness.  I long to share the beauty of My holy and eternal will with you.  Will you take My hand and live in My will?”
Jesus, Lover of God

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