Monday, September 8, 2014

September 2, 2014

          “There is a gravitational pull in your body that holds your spirit to earthly thoughts.  It is something you must vigilantly fight.  From your early rising until you close your eyes at night to sleep, life shoots arrows of distractions before your steps.  You must choose “the best part” of each day.  I will help you if you seek Me early.

          To silence your thoughts when you awaken, to seek My direction, to look to Me first in all that looms before you, is to promise yourself a day of peaceful love in My presence, regardless of what is presented before you.

          Time is a grain of sand in the universe.  Your time on earth is so short.  Give Me all of your remaining moments on earth and I will memorialize them for eternity.  I make gold out of treasured moments of faithful intimacy.  Your acts flow from our conversations.  As you live in union with Me, I act through you.  I know how to handle all the distractions you will face.

          Truly, let Me live in you this day.  Die to yourself, to your thoughts, to your limited precepts.  Let Me do what I want in you today.  You will be more than pleasantly surprised at My style and graciousness.  I do all things well.  My nobility will be seen in your gestures.  My lovingkindness will wash the earth with dew from heaven.

          Do not try to understand, My little ones.  Just have faith.  Believe in My words to you and let go of yourself.  Fall into My arms of love.  I will do all things for you.  Rest in My care for you.  There is no need for anxiety when Jesus is in the room.”

Your Life

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