Saturday, May 16, 2015

May 14, 2014

          “As the globe of earth spins round and round through space, the days come and go, and time marches endlessly forward.  God has created time for man to measure his accomplishments.  God does not live in time.  He is eternal.  Your millions of years are as a grain of sand to His infinite existence.

          O men of earth, when will you realize who God is and who you are?  You are a dust of breath, a speck in the atmosphere of galaxies undiscovered, a tiny droplet in the oceans of endless seas.  You stride across the stage of life with your endless fanciful proclamations, not considering just exactly who you are in the scheme of God’s endlessness.

          God, in His mercy, has created you from the dust of the earth.  He has loved you from the moment of your first cell forming.  He listens to you, He helps you, He remembers your frailties and He is constantly teaching you things beyond your finite limitations. 

          He bends to your lowliness to engage you in a dialogue with He who is and always shall be.  He keeps you in existence every second of your life.  Every breath is His gift to you. He pleads for your love.  His condescension is immeasurable.  He offers you gifts from another sphere, a timeless abode of unending joy.

          He sent His Son to die a brutal death, to be rejected and spat upon, so great is His mercy and love.  And you men of earth ignore Him, disobey Him, spurn Him, reject Him and doubt His existence.

          O proud men of earth, in your ignorance is your bliss.  You are despising the treasure beyond all treasures – eternal life with this Being that you could never comprehend in your humanity.

          When will you humble yourselves, and realize just who you are in the scheme of things?  You are a thought in God’s mind.  That is why you exist.  Doesn’t he deserve your love and respect?

          It is abominable that God is treated so disrespectfully by the souls He has created with such tenderness. 

          God loves you.  God created you.  He deserves to be loved and appreciated by you.  Those that seek His face shall live forever in His presence in awe and amazement.”

Jesus, Revealer of God’s Secrets

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