Monday, October 22, 2012

April 6, 2011

          “The loss of control is a heavy load on the soul.  My desire is to have dependent, loving children trusting My heart of mercy.  Adam and Eve didn’t trust Me.  I have been trying to regain that trust through the centuries.  Can I not be trusted?  I am so trustworthy.  I would never harm one of My children or intentionally hurt them.

          When the lesson of trust is learned, you become a child in My arms, one of My most cherished children.  I could not leave you wandering the world’s way.  I had to intervene with this trial to change your heart.  The millions of years of eternity will not be enough time to thank Me for this trial which is granting you a glory so spectacular that the angels will be amazed.

          When your fears arise within you, which will happen, lift your face to Me as a flower to the sun with a big trustful smile on your face and say so lovingly to Me, “Jesus, I trust in You.”  This will change the entire situation; changing fear into expectant joy.  When the lesson is learned, the trial ends.  Your tree is bearing beautiful fruit, food for souls ready to embrace holiness.

          My peace I leave you this day.  Good times are ahead.  The rain is over and gone.  You will bask in the sunshine of My great love for you.”

Jesus, God’s Right Hand

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