Thursday, November 3, 2011

July 22, 2010

          “Friends are forever and in heaven you will see the truth of this statement.  My friends will spend eternity with Me loving and adoring My Father.  Our hearts will be satiated with His goodness, beauty, and love.
          God’s face is everywhere in creation.  He smiles at you from the starry sky.  He plays with you in the waves of the ocean.  He caresses your face in the night hours.  He gently watches over every circumstance of your life, delighting Himself with the tiniest details of your existence.  He sends His winds and rain to cleanse the dusty earth to bring you food and refreshment.  He places His rainbow in the sky, the arc hovering above His throne of glory.  His clouds whisper your name, gliding, endlessly encircling the earth with His love and watchcare.

          He makes the animals fruitful to supply His lambs with food.  He covers the hills with trees to shield the earth from the sun’s harshness.  He gently drops the dew from heaven, covering the ground with a glistening sheen.

          Man sees the ugliness of circumstances.  God sees the beauty hidden within each atom of creation.  God’s goodness recreates the chaos into something beautiful.  He has given His children the power to overcome all evil with His good, to beautify what sin has corrupted, to bring peace to the disordered selfishness that reigns in the hearts and souls of men. 

          To surrender to the peace of God allows you to be a channel of peace and blessing to the world.  To lift up your hands in holy praise is to allow the beautifying work of the Holy Spirit to change the world around you.  To love God with all your heart is your highest honor.  He seeks souls to worship Him in spirit and in truth, symbols of His Christ-Son.

          As you gaze in contemplation upon My Father, He will lift you up to His heart.  He will make a special place for you.  There you may satiate yourself with His good love eternally.  The good God seeks to love His children to folly.  If only they understood His heart …”

Jesus, the Father’s Love
“I came to make My Father known”

Thursday, June 30, 2011


December 18, 2009

          “A loving presence lightens the atmosphere.  Even your Creator desires this closeness.  To sit with Me in expectant silence fuses our souls together in love.  You are coming to Me for your daily bread and I have truly become your loving Shepherd.

          If you but knew the joy in My heart to see My brothers and sisters seek to join Me in loving our Father!  This is a community sharing of togetherness and glory as we keep our gazes locked in the eternal embrace of love.

          Love’s essence is the most exotic and beautiful perfume, fragrancing every corner of the earth.  To deposit the gift of love into waiting hearts is the highest calling.  Let My love electrify you.  Let it burst forth in glorious splendor.  Put no limit on love’s wealth.  Invest each moment with this beautiful aroma sent from heaven’s streets.

          Darkness has settled over the cities of the world.  Only My love will scatter the black clouds of gloom that engulf the nations.  My cross of love looms gloriously in the sky, drawing souls to the safety and refuge beneath its shade.

          Behold, I come quickly and My reward of light is with Me.  This is the light of true life that enlightens every man that comes into the world.

          God’s touch imprints a brand of life on the face of the soul.  The angels recognize the seal of a soul sanctified by the fingers of God.  His hedge of protection shields them from the fiery and angry darts of the wicked ones.  To be held safe in God’s haven of refuge is no small thing in this dark and dangerous world!

          Praise your God Who loves you dearly and is always looking out for your soul’s best interests.  How God loves a pure and humble soul of goodwill manifesting faith by fidelity and perseverance!

          Love springs quickly and joyously from a pure and humble heart to pierce the darkness with weapons of glorious praise.”

Praiser of God’s Magnificent and
Wondrous Glories and Graces

December 14, 2009

          “Do you not yet realize that I am infinity?  I am so far beyond all your imaginings!  How My little souls limit Me by their narrow perceptions of Me!  They see Me from their own small world view gleaned from their short life experience.  They expect everything to proceed in the way that they know.  Their knowledge is so limited and confined.

          I am infinity and beyond, limitless, beyond expansion.  Colors are infinite.  Thoughts are infinite.  There is no end to this rushing stream of God’s infinite nature.  Yet man constructs a little box around his little world.  He hides inside this box with his own formula of existence.  And then he wonders why he gets depressed and despondent??

          I have not made man to hide in his shell like a turtle, his own constructed house on his back, his familiar hiding place always at hand.  I have made man to soar into the heavenlies beyond human thought or adulation.

          The Holy Spirit works to take souls out of their “comfort zone” that He might wean them from their earthly mindset.  He uses various situations, difficulties and trials to cause them to extricate themselves from their houses which have truly become their prisons.  He lures them outside, away from all they think they know, to show them the broad and infinite span of the sky above them.

          Most souls receive from me what they expect from Me.  Their expectations are set so low because of their narrow faith.  “Without faith it is impossible to please God.”  “According to your faith, let it be done unto you.”

          Ask God for the gift of faith.  Faith will open your mind to the endless ages of eternity.  Your own thinking will seem so dull and small when you contemplate the Infinite One.

          “I AM.”  There are no better words to describe Me.  I am indescribable in human terms.  Though “I AM”, I call the little and the lowly to Myself, those that “are not.”  One smile from one of My lowly ones brings great joy to My heart.  I recreate worlds with that one smile.

          O, if only My people knew My goodwill toward them!  They would run to Me instead of running away from Me all the time.

          Ask the “I AM” to draw you into His infinite world beyond time.  “Ye have not, because ye ask not.”  Expect more from Me and you shall receive more.  Ask in faith or you will not receive.

          Open your mind to the glories of heaven – life with God, incarnated for man in lowly love and kindness. 

          Open all the closed doors in your life to Me.  I will bring you into the infinite domain.”

Ruler of the Heavenly Realm

December 7, 2009

          “Sweetness, charm, purity, kindness, pure joy, beauty, love, wise, maternal, self-effacting – these are words to describe most holy Mary.  Her compassionate heart yearns to impart the holiest of gifts to her children.

          Roses, lilies, and all fragrant flowers perfume their surroundings.  The Blessed Virgin is a perfume most excellent, scenting the winds of heaven and earth.

          She is My model of holiness, the daystar to direct souls to My Son, Jesus.  I delight in her virtues.  Her beauty captivates Me.  I acquiesce sweetly to her requests for grace and mercy.  She is a great beacon of light opening holy pathways to eternity.

          I have honored and exalted her for she suffered My Son’s Passion in dignity and love.  I honor all those that honor her, for she is the delight of My heart.

          She is peace.  Come to her when you are troubled.  She will quickly take you to Jesus for healing.  Her gentle acceptance will heal your soul of all anxiety and fear.”
Your Loving Father

Friday, June 24, 2011

June 11, 2003
          “A clean heart, washed and cleansed of sin, renewed by My Blood, the stain of sin and the world’s influence removed...  This is My desire for you.  Am I not able to do abundantly above all you ask or think?  I come to restore, to break the power of evil, to set the captives free.

          Come up to Me on the Cross and see things from My vantage point.  Surrounded by enemies who ridicule and mock Me, hanging in shame, forlorn, desolate, forsaken; you hang here with Me and feel My sorrow, My agony, My grief. 

          The world pushes Me away, but I love the world.  They misinterpret My intentions, they shun My Presence, they walk away from mercy.  How do you feel here with Me, looking down at the souls of the damned?  What could be more important than their salvation?  Houses, cars, prosperity, entertainment, beauty?  I had one purpose - to give My life for the world.  Nothing else mattered to Me but obeying, adoring and glorifying My Father.   My eyes were fixed on the holy life of sacrifice.  I kept My body in subjection.  I nurtured and tended the garden of My Heart, the temple of the Holy Spirit.

          “God alone” was My song from the rising of the sun to the midnight hour.  The world’s values were meaningless to Me - dust scattered at the slightest movement.

          Keep yourself here on the Cross with Me.  This way you will always see clearly.  Your vision will not be distorted by your self-love and self-will.

          I gave Myself for you.  Will you give yourself to Me?  Stay here with Me in your heart.  Hear Me faintly whisper to you throughout the day.  “We are in this together for the salvation of men.”

          “Who will go for us?” I heard, and I came forward.  “Here am I.  Send me.”

          “I delight to do your will, O my God.  Your law is within My Heart.”

          My Cross opens up your eyes to the eternal.”

Jesus, the King of Glory

February 14, 2011
          “The love of God descends sweetly upon a tender heart of goodwill.  There is no striving in love.  God pours His love upon you as a gentle dew from heaven, the fragrance lingering upon your surroundings.  His light shines from your countenance as a gentle lamp of love, lighting your steps with ethereal luminosity.

          The beauty of the angels is their love for God.  His joy fills their countenance.  They are sons of God, sons of radiance.  God has illuminated them with His Essence.  They are a glorious sight to behold.  I am trying to make angels of My children – pure beings of light to manifest the glory of God to the nations.  In purity and holiness, the glory of God streams from a holy soul.  As they lift their face to heaven in continual communion, the light of heaven’s glory refines their countenance, making it shine with God’s light of love.

          There is so little purity of heart in the world.  My children have become contaminated and soiled.  They have wandered into the world’s ways and have lost all power to serve Me in holiness.  They have forsaken their missions from God to serve the world’s system.  They have wandered from the fold like errant sheep, stumbling in the open fields of sin, trying to satisfy earthly desires and cravings which will never bring them happiness.

          I am the Good Shepherd, constantly running after My sheep to bring them back to safety, yet they reject My pleas.  They are not interested in purity and holiness.  They have lost their taste for heaven.

          It takes great courage and great love to turn your back on the world which is constantly displaying its sensual wares.  The flesh is weak and succumbs easily.  To those that love Me I will give the power to avoid evil, the insight to reject all that is not God, and the understanding to choose God’s way.

          Little sheep of My flock, do not wander off.  My hands were torn when I rescued you from hell.  Do not cause more bleeding by refusing to stay with Me.  I offer you all that is beautiful and good.  Choose life.

Shepherd Jesus

February 3, 2011
          “I open to your soul the infinite secrets of God’s springtime.  All is not what it seems.  The gentle brook of life calmly rolls along, nourished by God’s goodness.  To be a saint is to be Christ, to have died to self so as to allow Christ to wholly become one with you.  The process seems, oh so difficult, yet it is in letting go, in gently placing yourself in the river of life proceeding from the throne of God, that you stride through time, unmoved and unharmed by sin’s power.

          As My light overshadows you, you become a transparent, yet opaque vessel of mercy to souls in darkness.  You are a hope diffuser to those in oppression.  My fragrance charms your footsteps.  It is not you they are attracted to; it is My beauty within your house of clay.

          Soak up My holiness, that it may saturate you completely with the dew of heaven.  That is what the world is thirsting for – heaven on earth.  Let them see it on earth by letting Me dwell as king of heaven in your soul.

          I am with you always.”

 Jesus - Heaven

January 27, 2011

          “Thanksgiving draws down great graces from heaven.  My heart responds so lovingly to a grateful heart.  I am thanked so little in this world so distracted by trivialities.  The greatest gifts are the most abundant – air and water – but they are completely taken for granted by the children of the world.

          I hold this great ball named earth in space.  I could hurl this ball to the farthest corners of the universe, for My hand is mighty.  Yet I choose to hold this tiny earth in My hands like a fragile egg ready to crack open.

          I have provided everything for the inhabitants of this green and blue planet that I love to gaze upon.  My oceans teem with beauty, sustenance, and food for My children.  The earth grows plants and food to nourish and heal My created ones.  Nothing has been left undone in this created world of beauty.

          I sit on the circle of the earth, Master of the universes, My love extending beyond man’s capability to even begin to understand.  I roam through the galaxies, marveling at the stars, uniting My heart with the heavenly hosts in praise to God, the Creator-Artist.  I bend low to the earth to reveal My Father to the little ones, those that have humbled themselves as little children, completely dependent on My Father’s care.  “God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the wise …”

          Love is the door to the heart of the infinite God.  Your loving glance cries out to Him and He showers His graces upon your fervency.  When He speaks about praising Him, He is really seeking out your love for Him.  He answers to love, for He is Love.

          “God inhabits the praises of His people.”  God inhabits the loving glance of His little people, those that remain little and attentive to His voice.  As you humble yourselves in littleness, God exalts you by drawing you to Himself, the highest honor bestowed on a creature.

          The angels look upon the face of God and sing unending praises of love.  O men, when will you lift up your voices in praise to the most loving God and Father of all?”

Jesus, God Lover and God Praiser

January 3, 2011
          “O suffering souls of the world, come to Me that you may be healed and restored to the beauty I purchased for your soul.  Sin desecrates, mars, and ruins the beauty of a human soul.  It twists and scars and thwarts the will of God.  It distorts perfection, wounds, and scandalizes, and brings much sorrow and confusion.  Men choose to walk in great darkness because their deeds are evil.  I come bearing the light of life, but men run away to pursue the darkness.  They have hidden themselves in the caves of the earth, in the dens of iniquity where the light no longer shines.

          I try to coax them out of hiding, but they refuse My earnest help.  What more can I do for the sons of men?  I have given all My human blood as an offering to expiate their sins in the eyes of My all-holy Father.  I have descended to earth to live among them, to become one of them so as to lead them home to My Father’s kingdom.  I have wept and grieved over their hardness of heart as I looked out over Jerusalem and wept tears of distress.  I see the children in the streets, so hungry for God, with no one to show them the way.  I see souls on the side of the road begging for money, reduced to a life of imprisonment by drugs or alcohol, with no release or hope.  I see mothers raising children alone while the father, the high priest over the family, has abdicated his God-given heritage.  I see Hollywood making great efforts to please the sensual appetites of souls thirsty for My true love.

          Detachment and renunciation are words never used in this world obsessed with possessions and sensual gratification.  Hedonism abounds as souls throw off all restraint in their lusts.  I call out through My chosen ones day and night; “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand”, yet souls are dulled to truth.  My chosen ones expiate through sorrow and suffering as the sins of the world rise higher and higher in intensity.

          Wake up, world.  The end is near.  I have lifted up My voice to you for centuries.  Heed the cries of the prophets as they call you to repentant faith.

          The message is the same and it is very clear – “Repent, children of men, repent.”

Jesus, Advocate for Truth

December 24, 2010
          “Each time you receive My holy Body and Blood in Communion, you are changed into love.  Ever more and more you become My vessel of love bearing My holiness to souls lost in the perilous sea of life.  It is a gradual awakening, a permeating presence, silently re-creating every cell in your human body.  My Body and Blood are of another realm and as they enter human restrictions, they divinize and perfect the face of the heart.

          I am Love and I can only love.  God is love and he that loves abides in God’s heart.  To love is to sacrifice all your self-interests to Love’s call of renunciation.  To renounce all that is not God is to live in a constant state of Love’s embrace.  Do not look beyond your heart where I reside.  Live with Me in solitude in the cell in your heart, the cell you have furnished so beautifully with the carpets of good deeds.

          All is not what it seems.  To know me in truth will take you to another vantage point with which to view Me.  Your preconceptions will be dashed by My simplicity.  Life is truly letting Me walk in your shoes this day – no more and no less.  Losing your life in this world opens up the door to My world.  In My world of perfect peace, all is well.  I know My Father’s love.  I rest in His peace.

          To love Me is to approach the Father with Me.  In unity, we praise our Father together as one voice.  Your prayer becomes My prayer.  Your life becomes My life.  Doesn’t Scripture say that God desires that you walk humbly with Him?

          To lose yourself in My love means that I become you.  Where you walk, I walk.  When you talk, it is I speaking.  Your thoughts are My thoughts.  The simplicity of these words has not been penetrated by the children of men.  They look beyond the truth of letting Me prolong My humanity through them because they seek knowledge through pride.  To become a little child means to become humble, to be known for a dependent weakness that men resist.

          Forget all you think you know, sons of men.  Come to Me as a child, knowing nothing, claiming nothing but My love for you.  I will not be able to resist your humility.  I will come to you quickly.”

Jesus, Child Lover
December 15, 2010

          “The candles burn beautifully in a darkened place to light up the area gloriously.  Even so, My people of the light span the earth as glowing adornments of My existence.  They light up the hidden corners where oppression captivates hearts, blinding them to truth.  They bring warmth and liveliness to problems long bewailed.  They bring hope to the hopeless sitting alone in the darkness of their own making.  Their light shines brightly on the sinful works of men, exposing the hideousness of shameful deeds.

          They are tranquil and serene as they journey through the crossroads of life.  There is no need to speak loudly because their glowing light speaks louder than any human word. 

          I came into the world as the bearer of light.  My light abides in My chosen ones and they, too, become light bearers.  The more pure the heart, the more transparent the body.  My light shines out most brightly in a purified soul.

          The more holy a soul, the more humble and quiet they appear to be, for holiness and humility are brothers in arms.  My children do not strive for attention for they know that My subtle fragrance is perceived best in obscurity and silence.

          Let the world shout out around you.  Remain hidden in My heart, ministering to My need to be consoled.  Be the gentle candle of luminosity that I created you to be, a light in the darkness, seen but not heard.

          My light manifests itself in gentle smiles, thoughtful touches and an arresting presence.  There is no need to look for ploys or heroics to get people’s attention.  Remain hidden in the corner, a bonfire of My holiness, waiting to be discovered by those that seek God.”

Jesus, Light of the World

June 21, 2011

          “The love of God for the souls He has created is beyond your imagination.  To live in His love is like swimming in the ocean of abundance, for God is all things.  How limited is the mind of man!  He closes his mind to the eternal realm.  He chooses to remove himself from the ocean of My love to wander in a barren desert.  As a fish cannot live on land, so a soul bereft of its Creator will die.

          Many souls are spiritually dead, though they appear to be alive and flourishing.  Do not be deceived by external appearances.  All men are dust.  Their covering has been designed by My artistry, but beneath the flesh and bony framework is a soul, alive or dead.  I give each man the breath of life at birth, but each soul must be born again into the spiritual life in order to truly live eternally with Me in life, light, and love.

          It is in the silence that you will probe the mind of the Spirit, the author of life on earth.  As you open your heart to His embrace, He will lead you into My heart, heaven on earth.

          The silence of the monastery calls longingly to My beloved children.  The simplicity of life, directing all to God’s glory, is the cry of the heart of My children totally captivated by My love.  The echo of My call resounds through the halls of your mind, calling you to step away from the noise and glare of the world, to find the silent cell of the hermit, alone with God alone.

          Let Me teach you how to come away with Me to rest awhile on My heart.  These frequent encounters form you into another Christ on earth, living lights to shine in the darkness.

          Gaze on Me to be transformed into My image.  My glory will alight upon you as dew.  I will carve My image into your features.

          I am yours and you are Mine – forever.”

Jesus, Saint Maker

June 7, 2011

          “To love Me with a passionate love is to enter the gates of glory before death.  To be pierced by My sweet arrow of love is to expire the breath of earthly life to then inhale the breath of heaven.  To open your heart fully to the love of an infinite God is a supernatural experience.  It is a ravishing of the soul, as an eagle swoops upon its prey, soaring to the highest heaven to display his prowess.

          To adore your God in silence is a gift wrapped in the purest gold wrapping.  I seek love from My children.  I seek their loving presence, their attentiveness, their child-like, trusting hearts smiling so tenderly at Me!

          Souls seek to offer Me gifts of earth, as Cain did.  But I seek the gift of love, Abel’s sacrifice, the heart of flesh crucified for love of Me, given in great gratitude and humility.

          In the silence you will hear heaven.  You will know even as you are known.  You will be transformed into an icon of grace, a model of divine purity, reflecting the Savior’s rays from your eyes.

          Learn to love Me.  Let Me teach you how to love Me.  Sit still before Me, while I infuse you with My holiness.  Be the expectant child receiving the king’s treasures in silence and humility.

          “Faith is the evidence of things not seen …”  Believe that I am adorning you with My jewels from heaven, creating your bridal dress for the wedding feast.

          In your silence is your beauty.”

Jesus, Solitary Lover

June 6, 2011

          “Thank you for spending these early morning hours with Me.  The hours of teaching are the most important moments of your life.  All else is temporal and passing.  As you contemplate the Divine One, you open your mind to the reality of your existence which is to seek the eternal.

          Man is choked by the passing glories of the world.  Like a river dammed up by debris, he remains in a state of flux, swirling endlessly against the embankment of his vices and worldly pleasures.  He cannot rise above the blockage to proceed peacefully down the river of life to the great ocean of divinity, which is My presence eternally.  In the silence, I unblock all the passages.  I clear the river of all debris.  I reveal eternal truths and bring the abundance of peace and joy to the troubled soul.

          To allow heaven’s truths to pierce your soul, you must remain recollected and still.  “Be still and know that I am God.”  I reveal Myself to quiet souls.  In silence and peace, I reveal Myself to the hungry heart.  I invite the weaned soul to enter the depths of My intimacy, My Sacred Heart.

          Little children, stop; sit quietly at My feet; quiet your mind; do not question or probe.  Sit very quietly and you will learn of Me.  Do not reason or try to form your own spiritual ideas.  Sit as a tiny child before Me, ready to receive My words of love.  Then you will come to know Me as I am.  Without this stillness, you perceive who you think I am, but you do not know Me.  You know your own perceptions.

          As you recognize your nothingness apart from My gaze that keeps you in existence, you truly become what I desire – humble, meek, loving and trustful children, obedient and loyal, faithful and devoted, loving the good, hating the evil as I do, and then I can mold you into a vessel fit for the Master’s use.

          It is all so simple.  Quiet yourself.  Seek My presence in solitude.  I promise you that I will reveal Myself to you.”

Lovingly, the Blessed Trinity

Monday, June 20, 2011

June 2, 2011

          “My perfume is evanescent.  It forms a halo of glory around the person of one of My holy children.  As the crowds pressed in around Me to touch Me, so souls feel a desire to touch God when they smell His fragrant presence on one of My children. 

          It is an other-worldly experience, not understood in the eye of the beholder.  It is a link to the deepest center of the heart.  The soul tries to grasp this scent with human hands.

          Most souls are drawn to Me without words.  I speak to the innermost depths of their hearts in a silent language.  It is the language of heaven, the glory language.  It is the language of love, unconditional love, the love of the blessed in heaven.

          I place this language in the hearts of My faithful ones.  They do not need to speak to draw souls to God.  The Holy Spirit speaks through their fragrance, their bearing, their mannerisms, the serenity in their face, the glory glow that surrounds them.  The Holy Spirit whispers the secrets of heaven into their ear in the language of love.”
May 27, 2011

          “Faith is trust in My Providence.  Do you really believe that all things work together for good to all that love Me?  If you really believe this, you will never worry, but will always trust in My decisions and circumstances.  A life of faith is worry-free. Faith implies complete trust in the other; hence, no worries whatsoever.

          Have faith in God.  He holds the universe together.  Your needs do not elude Him.  He is aware of all things.  Job learned to recognize the hand of God in every happening in his life – good or bad.  He accepted both courageously in great faith.  His life is a pattern to emulate.  He blessed the Lord at all times, never doubting.  I recorded His life in Scripture to be an inspiration and a model for My saints to follow.

          Each soul has a cross to carry, some extremely heavy, others light.  These crosses make up your heavenly crown.  The manner in which they are carried speaks volumes about your intentions.  The more lovingly and joyfully you carry your cross, the more you trust Me.  The more worried and fearful you carry your cross, the more you distrust Me.

          Your trust honors Me.  It gives me complete freedom to bring you to the greatest perfection.  It leaves Me free to introduce new and wonderful things into your life for we are moving on and do not have to cover the same ground over and over again.

          Let your worries turn into smiles of trust.  Hand every concern over to Me.  Let Me handle all your cares.  As soon as you release every problem to Me, you allow Me complete freedom to bring My Father’s will to perfection.

          To develop this trust, every time a worried thought invades your mind, quickly wrap it up and offer it to Me with this prayer:  “Jesus, I hand deliver this worry to you.  Jesus, I trust in you.”  How this delights Me to see you act on My instructions to have no anxiety at all.

          The sooner you release your grasp on your life and lose it for My sake, the sooner My peace will invade your soul and you will become a very joyful and content child of God.”

Jesus, Worry Destroyer
May 31, 2011

          “I have brought you here to speak to your heart.  “In My presence is fullness of joy.  At My right hand, there are pleasures forevermore.”  You do not yet understand what I am doing in your soul when you sit with Me here.  In the silence, I weave Myself into the very fabric of your being without a word being said.  I do not need words to imprint My likeness upon a soul.  In fact, it is in the silence that you are changed, not in the midst of many words and aspirations.

          We sit here as friends, not needing to go beyond our togetherness.  I look at you and you look at Me.  “You have not chosen Me.  I have chosen you …”  I wanted to be your friend from all eternity.  I wanted to spend time with you before you were born into this world.  Do you yet understand the abounding grace that has so lavishly been given to you?

          I am not looking for your thanks.  I want you to understand My love for you.  Souls call Me “religion” but they do not understand who I really am.  I am not a set of rules or a legal system.  My Essence is love.  I desire friendship and unity.

          Those that sit quietly with Me begin to understand the Gospel message.  They begin to open their hearts to Me in a new way.  I descend into the innermost depths of their hearts, there to make Myself known.

          Love opens the door to My heart.  Love and attention will get you everything you need to be conformed into My image.

          It is not hard to know Me.  Come, sit with with Me.  Let Me speak to your heart.  Let Me love you into My presence.  You will then live in heaven upon earth.”
Jesus, Heaven’s Joy

Sunday, June 5, 2011

"Stay faithful to the course God has given you. Smell the beautiful fragrance of the roses of heaven as you walk among the thorns. As you hold your bouquet of roses in your hands, you will not even notice the decay and sin surrounding you. You will walk in heaven’s fragrance, and as you pass by souls, you will leave My aroma.”

Stairway to Heaven by Jim Warren                   

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Published by
The Prayer I say every day after Holy Communion

DivineSavior,transform me into Yourself.
May my feet be your feet.
May my hands be your hands.
May my eyes be Your eyes.
May my ears be Your ears.
May my mouth be Your mouth – “Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth.”
May my mind think Your thoughts.
May my perspective be Your heavenly perspective.
Grant that every faculty of my body may serve only to glorify you.
Above all, transform my soul and all its powers that my memory, my will, and my affections may be the memory, the will, and the affections of You.
I beg You to destroy everything in me that is not of You.
I pray that I may live in complete union with you so that I may say with St. Paul, “I live, but not I; Christ lives in me.”

The above prayer was written by St. John Gabriel Perboyre

The "Letters from Heaven"
book series is dedicated to
Father Perboyre, a missionay priest brutally tortured and martyred for his faith in China.

November 4, 2010

          “It seems the whole world lies in the power of the wicked One, but I have My chosen souls strategically placed in all corners of the earth.  My Spirit moves where He wills and My souls hear His voice and obey His impulses.

          They shine My light into the darkest corners of the earth.  They joyfully proclaim My message of peace by their exemplary behavior and self-giving lifestyles.  They do not seek fame, praise, or acclaim.  They desire to walk in My footsteps, living lives of obscure hiddenness, hiding out in prayer closets, repenting for unrepentant souls.

          These little jewels of Mine will be a diadem on My brown in the heavenly kingdom.  They will show forth My praises throughout the endless ages of eternity.  They are Mine.”

Jesus, Treasure of God’s Jewels
November 2, 2010
          “A life lived in union with Me is pure joy.  “I am the resurrection and the life.  He that liveth and believeth in Me shall never die.  Believest thou this?”  In this world of daily trials and toil, I am testing souls, forming them into My image and likeness.  I want to fill heaven with saints.  Only a saint would be happy in heaven.

          The way of earth is a continual suffering, oppression, and darkness, but I am the light of the world.  As you walk with Me, the pathway is brightened before you and I fill your heart with My joy.  We walk the perilous road of life singing joyfully on the road, adoring My Father together with exclamations of praise and thanksgiving.  Eternity is worth all suffering now.  Eternal bliss awaits you at the end of this road of life.  Lay hold on eternal life by bowing your head in prayer, asking My Holy Spirit to invade your body, giving you the strength to walk in holiness all the days of your life.

          Prayer is the secret key that unlocks heaven’s mysteries.  Prayer opens the door to the eternal world of God.  To pray is to move mountains, to do the impossible in a finite world, to draw God near to your lowly and frail heart.  If My people would humble themselves and pray, I would heal them and their families.  I would do great and mighty works through them.

          Prayer is silencing your mind to the things of the world.  Prayer is talking to heaven from your corner of the earth.  Just call My name and I am there beside you listening intently. 

          I am here for you, My children.  “Call upon Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which thou knowest not.”  Let’s become the best of friends through our conversations together.  Prayer is the heartbeat of our friendship.  When you talk to Me and smile at Me, My heart leaps for joy, for I desire to show you My glory that you might be inebriated in My love forever.

          Believest thou this?  I hope you do.”
Nearer Than Your Next Heartbeat