July 22, 2010
“Friends are forever and in heaven you will see the truth of this statement. My friends will spend eternity with Me loving and adoring My Father. Our hearts will be satiated with His goodness, beauty, and love.
God’s face is everywhere in creation. He smiles at you from the starry sky. He plays with you in the waves of the ocean. He caresses your face in the night hours. He gently watches over every circumstance of your life, delighting Himself with the tiniest details of your existence. He sends His winds and rain to cleanse the dusty earth to bring you food and refreshment. He places His rainbow in the sky, the arc hovering above His throne of glory. His clouds whisper your name, gliding, endlessly encircling the earth with His love and watchcare. He makes the animals fruitful to supply His lambs with food. He covers the hills with trees to shield the earth from the sun’s harshness. He gently drops the dew from heaven, covering the ground with a glistening sheen.
Man sees the ugliness of circumstances. God sees the beauty hidden within each atom of creation. God’s goodness recreates the chaos into something beautiful. He has given His children the power to overcome all evil with His good, to beautify what sin has corrupted, to bring peace to the disordered selfishness that reigns in the hearts and souls of men.
To surrender to the peace of God allows you to be a channel of peace and blessing to the world. To lift up your hands in holy praise is to allow the beautifying work of the Holy Spirit to change the world around you. To love God with all your heart is your highest honor. He seeks souls to worship Him in spirit and in truth, symbols of His Christ-Son.
As you gaze in contemplation upon My Father, He will lift you up to His heart. He will make a special place for you. There you may satiate yourself with His good love eternally. The good God seeks to love His children to folly. If only they understood His heart …”
Jesus, the Father’s Love
“I came to make My Father known”