Monday, July 30, 2012

July 10, 2012

          “The sparkling dew from heaven alights on My holy children as they lift their hearts to Me in loving prayer.  Heaven is a place of glittering splendor, light in endless glory.  This light falls from heaven to earth and causes My glory to shine forth in the dark places of the earth.

          I have opened the treasures of My Father’s glory to the world.  Light came into the world at My entrance.  I was transfigured before My apostles.  They saw the glory of heaven on My countenance.  This same light resides within all My holy, chosen children of light on earth.  As they open themselves to My invasive light, they are transformed “from glory to glory.”  They shine, illuminated by My love.

          “They shall dart about as sparks through stubble,” lighting up the dark hearts overcome by the blackness of sin’s rage.  The glory of God’s friendship transforms an earthly soul into a tabernacle of God’s presence on earth.  The Holy Spirit resides in triumph in a pure vessel.  Purity is the radiance of God’s kingdom.  Nothing impure shall enter this kingdom of light.

          As you seek My face, as you lift your eyes to Me in loving watchfulness, I become one with you.  I grant you My infinite love, My lovely attributes of graciousness, My light-filled life of holy joy.  Earth becomes a distant memory as you live in the light of heaven’s glory.

          This is “being seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.”  You reign in life seated beside your Savior, Jesus Christ, who has conquered sin and death.

          Let My grace descend upon you like cascades of glittering jewels, encircling your brow with a halo of glorious beauty.  Let the earth see heaven on earth, a soul made into the image of Jesus Christ, the Sanctifier.  God is beautiful and those who are in love with God are beautiful.  Let My beauty shine forth from you today.  Let me allure the children of earth with My beauty shining through you this day.

          The world needs hope.  They are searching for the beautiful.  Share the gift of My beauty to the world.  The world is desperate for the beautiful …”

Jesus, the Beautiful One

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