Monday, July 30, 2012

July 4, 2012

          “To the eyes that look beseechingly up to Me, I will reveal Myself in all My glory.  “There is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed.”

          To the heart that opens itself unstintingly to Me, I will bring My treasures of peace, joy, and love.

          To the mind that stills itself before Me, I will infuse My heavenly wisdom, treasures of righteousness.

          To the lips that silence themselves for love of Me, I will cause praise to spring forth eternally.

          To the ear that strains to hear My voice, I will utter words of unknown origin, riddles of the afterlife, a map to heaven.

          To the souls that give themselves to me in obedient trust, I will make them beloved children of God, favored by My Father, brought into His heart.  The souls who have not seen yet have believed with all their hearts are greatly blessed and eternally honored.

          The way may seem obscure, the path uncertain, the journey long, the darkness foreboding, yet at the end of this trek through the wastelands, there is a City of Light awaiting My blessed and holy children.  They will be forever praising My grace and mercy towards them.  Eternally they will be singing My praise with the heavenly host.

          A great banquet awaits you, My faithful ones.  Finish the course set before you.  It won’t be long now.

          I am with you.  Clasp My hand and the journey will be much easier for you.  Do not try to walk the path to heaven by yourself.  I am the way to heaven.  Only I can lead you there safely.

          Abide in Me.”

Joyful Traveler Bringing Many Sons to Glory

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