Thursday, January 17, 2013

June 27, 2011

          “Every day is a gift from My gentle and kind hand.  I created time and the division of time to order the lives of My children.  Each man is given so many hours to invest into My kingdom.  When the final hour comes, there will be no retracing of the steps.

          Satan has blinded men’s eyes to the value and glory of using each moment wisely.  Daily he invents new time wasters for men to be distracted by, stealing hours and hours away from the eternal goals.  On judgment day, one of the greatest lamentations will be viewed – time wasted on things of no importance, works burned up and valueless.

          To recapture time, you must cast your gaze to heaven constantly.  It is very hard, as there are so many distractions, but it is possible with the help of My Holy Spirit.  He is the great time-gatherer.  He multiples your hours and deposits them in heaven’s vaults.

          To pray is to use time gloriously.  My life on earth was unceasing prayer.  Prayer is uninterrupted heavenly communication.  Prayer keeps your gaze focused on heaven, which is My heart.

          Offer your day to Me upon arising.  Give Me each moment of the coming day before it happens.  I will utilize every second for My glory.  I will teach you how to live as I lived – in unceasing prayer and adoration of My Father.

          I am the great clock-watcher.  I hold the grains of the sands of time in My fingers.  I will hold them longer for you if you keep your eyes locked into My eyes.”

Jesus, Heaven’s Time Clock

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